POWER AUTOMATE DESKTOP - DATABASE Pre-Requisites Power Automate Desktop Access to database Under the database action, we have only three sub actions, namely: Open SQL connection Execute SQL statement Close SQL connection Open SQL Connection The first step is to connect to the database. So, we will use the Open SQL connection action and provide a connection string to establish the connection (the connection string in the video is a sample). When the connection is successful, the connection details is stored in a variable during execution. Execute SQL statement This action can be used to execute SQL queries. Here, I am using select query and the result is stored in a variable of type datatable. Close SQL connection It is a best practice to always close the database connection once the required queries are executed. YAY! BONUS!😮 How to execute a stored procedure using database action? Stored Procedure without arguments Stored Procedure with arguments (Comma separated in...
SWITCH CONTROL IN CLOUD FLOW PRE-REQUISITE Login to Power Automate Create a manually triggered flow BUILDING A FLOW TO USE SWITCH STEP 1: Expand the action "Manually trigger a flow" and add an input of the type "Number". This prompts for an input value when the flow is triggered. STEP 2: Search and select "Switch" control. You notice that two branches are added automatically. STEP 3: In the Switch action, select the "Number" variable from the Dynamic content that we created in the Step 1. STEP 4: We can give one or more cases and a matching criteria for each case. In this case, I am giving Prime numbers between 0-9 and adding a compose action to say its prime. For default case, I am putting a Compose action that says its Non-prime. TESTING TIME Thanks for visiting.😊 Please leave a comment if you would like me to cover a particular topic.